

We maintain 30:1 of student teacher ratio in two sections of each class and provide personal attention to each student. We have designed curriculum very carefully to achieve a perfect harmony between co-curricular activities and academics.

Pre-School (Nursery & KG)

It is a paradise where toddlers can explore the enthralling world of fun on their pre-school days. Wings Convent is well-versed to lay the foundation of self-learning and other skills. Instead of having stringent curriculum, we pay emphasis on helping toddlers learn through fun and interactive games. To prepare the child for formal learning, we have widest range of activities like coloring, drawing, pasting, singing, music and dance, and storytelling.

Junior School (Std. 1 to Std. 5th)

We introduce children to as many environments and activities as possible to help them learn through experience. We focus on developing the motor skills, spatial skills and self-confidence of children through the curriculum. This way, we focus on improving the learning experience of a child by making it stress-free and joyful.

Middle School (Std. 6th to Std. 8th)

Here, we take the methodology of learning to next level where knowledge is achieved through experimentation, questioning, and introduction to various media activities. We focus on interaction between students and principal and developing the student community. We give emphasis on participation of students in different inter-school activities. During these years, evaluation becomes more detailed and comprehensive, in order to steer the children towards major streams.

Secondary School (Std. 9th and Std. 10th)

According to the Board’s requirements, we teach a variety of subjects to students, including science, languages, history, and humanities in secondary classes. Along with providing education, we help our students recognize their field of interest with proper career guidance. So, they make informed decision when it comes to choose their stream and acquire skill, knowledge and abilities for higher studies.

Higher Secondary School (Std. 11th and Std. 12th)

Here we prepare our students to gain entry to reputed universities and choose their career in future. We help them to develop skills on the fields they are interested in. We help our students to choose their desired streams according to their career goals. We focus on more in-depth learning on subjects they have chosen.
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