Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Education is  not the amount of information that we put into our your brain and runs riot there ,undigested, all your life. We must have life building, man making, character making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man what has got by heart a whole library…..

Welcome to the WINGS CONVENT SR. SEC situated at the very prime location  of Maharajpur, Jabalpur. It’s a matter of immense pleasure for me to interact with you through our website. It’s a matter of pride for everyone associated with the WINGS CONVENT SR. SEC .school that we are launching our own website .

All great ideas begin with a commitment to the future. To provide an enriching ,engaging, and challenging curriculum that will prepare students for success is our commitment to you.

For one who is  just  learning to walk, eat, speak and just started to experience the wonders of life .this the most important phase of life where we can mould their personality and make them a complete and successful person.   .

In this era of cut throat  competition, where schools are mushrooming like anything, we have been able to provide a good, modern and progressive education. The kind of education we impart to a child at WINGS lays the foundation of life  and shapes its destiny. The WINGS CONVENT SR. SEC .school lay special attention on  both curricular and co-curricular activities providing students a edge over others to be a leader in their respective field of activity.

We Make A Living By What We Get


We make Life by What We Give.

Winston Churchill

We strongly believe in this and we try to give our best to the society. Value based education is the best gift we can give to the society as a gratitude. We have well equipped science lab, computer lab etc. We have started smart classes which is quite new and unique facility in this area,. Our school has an amazing playground where each child discovers his/her true calling and unleashes dreams and hopes for the future. An array of events and activities fill up the wings calendar. Theme based assemblies, subject weeks, annual functions, sports meets, fates, colour’s day, fancy dress competions, skits based on current affairs, cricket tournaments ,festival celebrations …..the list is long. I proudly acknowledge the team work and efforts of all students and teachers.

Our mission is to innovate new ideas with liberty of thoughts in young people who will become a good citizen and who will create history with discipline, faith, love and courage in  future. We are the biggest school in this locality as far as the number of students, building, play ground, is concerned.

We believe that education is not only collection of information, but something more meaningful. the education should be man –making, life giving and character-building. We strongly believe that every student is unique and special and they all have the ability to learn. we have to develop and nurture their potential to their maximum level. Only positive education should be given to the students. if children are encouraged they are bound to improve.

Teamwork is the hallmark of  WINGS CONVENT SCHOOL. We have extremely dedicated and qualified team of teachers whom we address as mentors. We share special bonding with our mentors. This bonding not only improve the standard of teaching but also give more confidence to the mentors. I believe that effective teachers create opportunities for problem solving and application of class room learning to real life situation.

The Wings convent recognize that parents are the first educators of the children. We help parents in this all important task. My appeal is to  parents is to that please ask specific questions about your child. Send in your feedback  and keep abreast of relevant information about your child’s performance. your concern and interest in the school  progress will keep them motivated. Kindly help us by reinforcing  school expectation at home. please communicate with your child’s teacher/school to establish a successful home/school connection.

As our MOTTO  says’ WIN WITH THE WINGS’ I call all my students – come ,fly and color the sky with your wings because for you SKY IS THE LIMIT.

My Dear Students,

It’s my pleasure and proud to have you in this flourishing and reputed institution and you are welcome to Wings family. Our campus speaks of our guidance and care to direct our students to the right direction and we give emphasis on quality education. I am envisioned to develop students with clear personal goal, strong moral values and true concern for others.

Quality of a school relies on the quality of students, rules and regulations, uniform codes, tradition etc. They are the means to improve the quality of your life.

I wish you to have a great and pleasant learning experience in our school.

May the God Bless You All

May the God Bless You All
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